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The Family Business
Published on August 09, 2021

The business of family.
Today I listened to my wife take a call from a fellow parent regarding our kids education, mask policies and quarantine procedures.
Reminded me that running our family is a small business and my wife is the CEO.
I happily play the role of chief sales officer and influenctial board member.
When it comes to critical decision making, project management and operations my wife does it all.
Like a f-ing boss!
In a few years when our kids our a little older she may consider reentering the workforce.
At that time there will be a decade plus gap in her professional resume.
She will be looked at as out of touch with the business world.
I can tell you from experience mom’s get s@$t done!
Their work running the business of the family should not be overlooked.
Ours runs like a well oiled machine.
Would love to hear about your “family business”
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