Performance marketing tips and advice

My latest thoughts on sales & marketing

Personality Matters in Sales

Published on January 06, 2022

Have a personality.

As sellers we are kicking off a new year. Regardless of 2021 ended, it’s time to do it all over again.

This is the time of year where we cleaning up pipeline, looking for potential early wins and setting the table for the rest of the year.

All that can be a bit of a slog, it’s important to bring some personality to your profession.

Knowing you stuff, a little polish, your process…

All of those things are great, but sometimes they can get in the way of being a person.

This week I was involved in a pitch for an RFP. We all know RFPs can be super stale. Personality is more important than ever.

Bring a bit of your unique self to the process, you will be shocked how people on the other side respond.