Performance marketing tips and advice

My latest thoughts on sales & marketing

Niche Wins

Published on January 31, 2022

Niche wins.

Being all things to all people is being nothing to no one.

Owning a niche helps you draw lines for yourself.

Provides you the ability to say no.

Focus time.

Build confidence.

Be an expert.

Great lessons on building a niche from R. Craig Coppola this week on the #lovesellinghatesales podcast.

Craig and I talk about using your niche to build a pipeline for life, build relationships and grow your business.

40 years in commercial real estate, Craig has built a niche in commercial leasing.

He has parlayed that into 100 angel investments all in areas where he can add value to the investments outside of capital.

He adds value by only investing based on this niche.

Niche doesn’t mean small, quite the opposite. Defining, building and dominating a niche helps you grow.

Highly recommend this week’s episode linked