Performance marketing tips and advice

My latest thoughts on sales & marketing

1200 Minutes

Published on July 30, 2021


1200 is my number every month.

Every month I hit 1200.

1200 what?

Minutes of fitness.

Why 1200 minutes?

Well, we have this fun little group at LeadMD run by Mike Barbeau called FitFam.

It’s a way to folks to set a fitness goal, have a group of people to support and little accountability.

What matters to me is the consistency, I ALWAYS hit 1200. It’s my baseline.

I may go over, but never under. I’ve had this baseline (maybe not always tracked in minutes) for over a decade.

What does this baseline do for me?

It gives me a ton of reps and experience to draw from. It gives me freedom to know where I can take liberties and where/when I need to ratchet down and hit it hard.

I love consistency!

Consistency for me provides results.

I take the same consistent approach to me sales career. What that does for me is provide consistency in income in a career that can be wrought with ups and downs.

I am not here to tell you what your approach should be, rather, whatever it is, do it consistently.

It flat out creates experience and confidence.

Consistency over time provides you the ability to be creative in what you do.

Another example in my athletic life…

I played competitive hockey from age 12-22, that’s 10 years on the ice at least 3x per week.

I rarely play anymore, but at any time am confident that I can step on the ice and hold my own.

Consistency builds confidence.

On the flip side, I started playing golf at 38. I’m lucky if I play a round 2x per month and maybe practice an hour a month… maybe.

The results are an inconsistent game, inability to be creative with shots and low confidence it my ability to even break 100 when I step on the course.

Apply a consistent model to your sales career, set a baseline you can hit every day, week and month.

When you are feeling it, you can ramp up and hit it hard, you can also use your baseline as a fall back when you need to cruise a bit.

The consist reps over time will build confidence, creativity in your work and an ability to create consistent income.

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